Hi there Paul,
 Sure good to hear from ya again. My heart goes out to you, sir. All the best to your son. As for your 3rd line, I ask again... "Where was George??"
 Yesterday, the Iraqi PM said "The US was welcome to leave at any time now". Wonder how much longer George and Dick will drag it out? Â
Seems the "non-servers" are always the first and loudest beaters of the "lets send the boys off to war" drums. Havn't seen any press notices of the Bush daughters volunteering for service, or ANY other efforts to support the troopers and sailors for that matter. Me thinks daddy Bush ought show how urgent to National Security this undeclaired war truly is by driving his kiddos down to the recruiter...(when pigs fly, right?)
 Take good care Paul, and again all the best to your son and his outfit.