Minutes - Board meeting #1
USS Cochrane Association
June 25, 2001
Meeting was called to order by President Ken Keeler at 8:50 pm on Monday, June 25, 2001. Those present after some difficulty connecting with ICQ were John Premeaux- coordinator of website, Horace Preme- Vice President, Don Reed- Treasurer, and Richard Cooper- Secretary.
Due to some difficulty connecting all board members to ICQ, John volunteered to look into the use of Yahoo Messenger in the future. He will report back to the board on his findings.
1. Selection of chairmanships
It was discussed and recommended by the members
of the board that the chairmen of each of the committees be part of board meetings if possible, and that they work with one of the boar
members. It was also decided that they will report
to the general membership.
a. Historian/Newsletter editor - Larry Wilson
was nominated and elected by the board.
b. Membership - Jim Leathers was nominated and
elected by the board.
c. 2002 Reunion committee - Steve Comacho
was nominated and elected by the board. It was also decided that the 2002 reunion will be held in
Bremerton, Washington. The date will be
decided by the committee. It was further
suggested that the reunions be rotated to different parts of the country from year to year, and that
the 2003 reunion be held on the East coast.
d. Legal - Sal Cedillo was nominated and elected by the board.
2. Adoption of dues for the USS Cochrane Association
Dues were determined to be set at $20.00/yr. This was
an amount that is in line with other ship associations.
There are also plans for ship’s store in the future which will sell Cochrane items.
3. Incorporation
Don Reed reported that banks he spoke to told him that in order for the association to have an account, we must first take care of tax forms and non-profit forms in order to incorporate. It was decided that we
would incorporate in the state of Texas, due to the fact that Sal Cedillo, our legal beagle, live in that
state and would have access to legal consult regarding our by-laws, and recommending any modifications as required by law for incorporation. It was also felt by the board that the endorsement cards should be able to be sent to the board members for signatures rather than requiring them to travel to Texas.
4. By-laws
The by-laws of the USS Cochrane Association were voted on, and accepted unanimously by the board.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 EST by President Keeler. Another meeting will be called at 9:00 pm on Thursday, June 27th on ICQ.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard Cooper HM3 65-67
MM2 83-85